Finance bros lose luster as healthcare jobs top list of most attractive careers

Finance bros lose luster as healthcare jobs top list of most attractive careers

Doctor on dateDoctor on date

(Photo by Branislav Nenin on Shutterstock)

NEW YORK — In a striking shift from recent dating trends, healthcare professionals have emerged as the most attractive potential partners for single Americans, according to a new survey. The findings suggest that the much-discussed “summer of the finance bro” may be giving way to a preference for partners in caring professions, with 29% of respondents indicating that healthcare workers make the most appealing romantic prospects.

The survey of 2,000 single Americans, conducted by Talker Research and commissioned by The League, reveals a complex picture of how careers influence modern dating preferences and dynamics. While doctors claimed the top spot with 26% of respondents ranking them as the most attractive career for a potential partner, the results highlight a broader appreciation for professions that combine practical stability with social impact.

The VIPs (Very Irresistible Professions)

The healthcare sector’s dominance in the dating landscape extends beyond physicians, with nurses ranking as the third most attractive profession at 22%. This strong showing for medical professionals might reflect a growing societal appreciation for healthcare workers, as well as the profession’s combination of intellectual rigor, financial security, and caregiving qualities.

Education emerged as the second most attractive career sector overall, garnering 23% of total responses. Interestingly, the data revealed a significant gender gap in this preference, with 28% of men finding educators desirable as partners compared to only 19% of women. This disparity suggests that men may place higher value on partners who demonstrate nurturing qualities and dedication to social impact through their career choices.

Woman laughing and enjoying her dateWoman laughing and enjoying her date
Women prefer partners who have artistic professions more than those working in finance, according to the new survey. (Photo by Pressmaster on Shutterstock)

The survey results also challenge some popular narratives about modern dating, particularly regarding careers in finance. Despite recent media attention on the appeal of “finance bros,” only 18% of women indicated a preference for partners working in finance. This placed financial careers below both entrepreneurship (21%) and artistic professions (18%) in women’s preferences, suggesting that the widely discussed appeal of finance professionals might have been overstated.

Legal professionals maintained a strong showing in the dating market, with 24% of respondents finding lawyers attractive as potential partners. The survey also revealed steady interest in partners working in STEM fields, with scientists (16%), pharmacists (15%), and technology professionals (14%) all securing spots among the most dateable professions.

Talking about ambition, goals is important

Beyond specific career preferences, the survey uncovered important insights about how career ambition and financial dynamics influence dating decisions. A plurality of respondents (44%) expressed a preference for partners whose career ambition matches their own, while 34% indicated they would welcome a partner with even greater ambition. This suggests that career drive remains a crucial factor in mate selection for contemporary singles.

The question of financial parity in relationships emerged as particularly significant, with 39% of respondents expressing a preference for equal earning power between partners. This preference showed a notable gender divide, with 45% of women favoring equal earning arrangements compared to 33% of men, pointing to evolving attitudes about traditional breadwinner dynamics.

The timing of career-related discussions in dating also proved revealing. The survey found that 22% of singles prefer to discuss work values, goals, and aspirations before even embarking on a first date. For those who wait until the first date, career conversations typically arise around the 54-minute mark, with 18% of respondents bringing up their profession within the first half hour.

Couple drinking wine on a dateCouple drinking wine on a date
The survey shows that transparency is vital for a successful start to a romance. (© klublu –

“Transparency is more attractive than ever” says Rachel DeAlto, Dating Expert at The League, in a statement. “While there may be no perfect time to talk about careers and ambitions, bringing it up in conversation sooner than later in the dating process allows singles to determine if they share similar values and life goals from the start.”

The survey also revealed changing attitudes toward work-life boundaries in dating, particularly among younger generations. While working during a first date might seem like a faux pas to some, only 39% of Gen Z respondents and 47% of millennials considered it a turn-off, suggesting evolving perspectives on work-life integration.

Having similar values can dictate success

Career-related “red flags” emerged as another important consideration for singles. The survey identified chronic burnout (32%), excessive overtime hours (29%), and frequent job changes (25%) as top concerns. Additionally, 22% of respondents viewed being an “influencer” as a negative indicator in potential partners.

Men, couple taking selfie togetherMen, couple taking selfie together
Having shared values, such as how each partner feels about work-life balance, are certain to make relationships last. Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

What singles seek in partners’ career attitudes proves equally illuminating. The top desired qualities include passion for one’s work (40%), commitment to work-life balance (34%), openness to continuous learning (28%), strong collaborative abilities (25%), and a desire to make positive societal impact (21%).

DeAlto emphasize the importance of shared values in successful relationships. “When partners share similar aspirations and value the same things in life, they’re better equipped to support and understand each other, and careers can be a great example of that. The key is to stay open to finding that alignment in unexpected places,” says DeAlto. “We’re really seeing the importance of ambition underscored in this research, with 53 percent willing to give an undergraduate a chance, while 64 percent are likely to date someone in graduate school, further demonstrating the appeal of having drive and goals, no matter where your career is at.”

Most Attractive Careers For Potential Partners

  • Healthcare (doctors, nurses, therapists, etc.) – 29%
  • Education (teachers, aids, tutors, etc.) – 23%
  • Emergency response (firefighters, EMTs, ER doctors/nurses, etc.) – 19%
  • Law (lawyers, police officers, etc.) – 18%
  • Business (marketing, sales, etc.) – 18%
  • Science (pharmacist, chemist, researcher, etc.) – 17%
  • Tech (data analysts, information technology, etc.) – 17%
  • Finance (investing, hedge fund managing, etc.) – 16%

Most Important Career Values For Potential Partners

  • Passion for what they’re doing — 40%
  • Prioritizing work/personal life balance — 34%
  • Understanding that there is always more to learn/ways to improve — 28%
  • Ability to work well with others and build relationships with colleagues — 25%
  • Desire to leave a positive impact on society or other people — 21%
  • Competitiveness or wanting to be successful — 19%
  • Desire to leave a positive impact on the environment — 15%
  • Desire to be a good manager or leader — 15%
  • Commitment to pushing the boundaries and paving new ways — 15%

Survey Methodology

The research was conducted online by Talker Research on behalf of The League between December 4 and December 10, 2024. The survey sample consisted of 2,000 respondents (1,000 men and 1,000 women) who identified as either single or casually dating.


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